2021-04-19 15:36:49 source:original share:

Calligraphy is a special type of art showing the beauty of written words, in China, the neighboring countries and regions impacted by Chinese culture. There are Chinese calligraphy, Mongolian calligraphy, Arabian calligraphy, English calligraphy, etc. Chinese calligraphy is a unique traditional art of Chinese characters.

In the broad sense, calligraphy refers to the writing rules of letters and symbols. In other words, calligraphy is a beautiful artwork written with brushwork techniques, structures, and methods suitable to the characteristics and meaning of the words. Chinese calligraphy is a unique art form, which invented by Han people, with the reputation of unspoken poetry, motionless dance, picture-free painting, and silent music.

The background of calligraphy is traditional Chinese culture. Calligraphy sets roots in the soil of traditional Chinese culture which supports the survival and development of this art. The calligraphy theories since Han Dynasty is known today, have their own system, completeness, and logic. As with other artistic theories, calligraphy theories include theories on the techniques of calligraphy itself and aesthetics theories. In all these theories shines the wisdom of literary men in ancient China.

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