2021-04-19 15:38:22 source:original share:

Silk, a textile product, is fabricated with silk from the silkworm, synthetic fiber, man-made fiber, and short fiber. It is the general name of textile products fabricated with sole silk or man-made silk or both.

In ancient times, silk referred to the textile products fabricated with natural silk produced by silkworms (mainly mulberry silk, but also including a little tussah silk and cassava silk). In modern times, due to the expansion of raw materials for textile products, any textile products whose warps are made from man-made or natural filament fibers can be seen as silk in its broad concept. While silk made from pure mulberry silk is particularly called "real silk".

Silk is a featured product of China. The working people in ancient China invented and produced silk products on a large scale and initiated the first large-scale commercial and trade exchange between the east and the west in world history, known as the "Silk Road". Since Western Han Dynasty, Chinese silk has been exported overseas in large numbers, gaining a global reputation. The main road connecting China to the west was called the silk road. And China was called the silk nation. 

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