SCODA Institutional Innovation Seminar Held for an Institutional Innovation System with SCO Characteristics

2021-05-25 16:02:39 admin source: share:

Institutional innovation is an important approach for the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area (SCODA) to pursue high-quality development through high-level opening-up. On the morning of April 1th, the SCODA Institutional Innovation Meeting was held at the Qingdao Municipal Government Conference Center. It has been revealed at the meeting that all endeavors of innovation in SCODA are advancing in an active and orderly fashion and a work plan for 30 institutional innovations has taken shape through research and discussion. The relevant authorities are striving for creating a list of innovation cases for the year, aiming to build an institutional innovation system with the characteristics of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Meng Qingsheng presented situations of institutional innovation endeavors in the SCODA, progress made in the early stage, and the work plan for institutional innovation in this yesr. At present, a work plan for 30 institutional innovations has taken shape through research and discussion in the SCODA, focusing on seven aspects: convenient cross-border logistics, convenient trade, convenient investment, convenient cultural and people-to-people exchanges, scientific and technological cooperation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, financial openness and innovation, and further optimization of the business environment. Advancing all endeavors of innovation in an active and orderly fashion, the relevant authorities will strive to create a list of innovation cases of the year by the end of this year.


Next, the SCODA will learn from all parties concerned to speed up institutional innovation and build an institutional innovation system with SCO characteristics as soon as possible by centering on the General Plan, in order to attract more entrepreneurs and talents to invest and start-up business in the SCODA and create a new highland for opening up.

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