SCODA Promoted Key Projects of the Biopharmaceutical Industrial Park

2021-07-11 19:15:16 admin source: share:

On the morning of June 7, Meng Qingsheng, Deputy Director General of the Administrative Committee of the SCODA led a team to investigate some key projects of the Bio-pharmaceutical Industrial Park in the SCODA, learned about the details of the construction, and pushed for the resolving of the problems encountered by the projects.


Meng Qingsheng visited the sites of several key projects including Gangqing Big Health, Hanpusen Medical Surgery Robot Equipment Manufacturing, Lan’geng Zhihe Bit Health, Kangyuan Bio-pharmaceutical, etc. He inspected the progress of the projects, learned about the details of the companies' production and operation, as well as their difficulties, studied and discussed the matters on-site and offered advice and suggestions.

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