Guests from Alibaba Group Visited the SCODA

2021-07-10 15:14:28 admin source: share:

On June 4, Hu Chenjie, Vice President of Alibaba Group visited the SCODA. Hao Guoxin, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of the SCODA met with Hu Chenjie at SCO Service Center.


Hao Guoxin hoped that Alibaba Group could fully leverage its advantages in domestic coordination and international cooperation, introduce more innovation resources to the SCODA in accordance with the characteristics of the area, and support the building of the SCO international digital industry cooperation center. Hu Chenjie said that Alibaba Group would give full play to its advantages in platform, technologies, capital and talents, actively participate in the building of the SCODA, facilitate the building of the SCO international digital industry cooperation center, and accelerate the development of the SCODA.

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