Meng Qingbin Visited SCODA

2024-04-25 10:57:03 admin source: share:

On March 22, Meng Qingbin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of CPPCC Qingdao Committee, led a team to SCODA to inspect its development and scientific and technological cooperation. Li Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of SCODA, and Yu Dongquan, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jiaozhou Committee and Mayor of Jiaozhou, accompanied.


At the Qingdao · SCODA Pearl International Expo Center, upon learning about details of SCODA's development, Meng Qingbin said that SCODA is a major strategic decision announced, arranged and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we should take active actions by high standards, centering on building the "four centers" and the China-SCO Institute of Economy and Trade, and take higher stance to plan for the development of SCODA. And we should step up efforts to strive to obtain stronger support from supervising authorities and coordinate resources, thus further opening up logistics channels, improving trade facilitation, and creating a new hub for opening-up in the new era.

At the SCO Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Park, Meng Qingbin learned in detail about the scientific and technological cooperation of SCODA. He emphasized that scientific and technological innovation is a core element in developing new quality productive forces, and also serves as a key measure for boosting the high-quality development of SCODA. We should fully leverage the advantages of SCODA as a platform to build a platform for the scientific and technological cooperation between Qingao and Hong Kong, and promote the integration of resources and elements across the whole industrial chain, thus creating new momentum and advantages for the bilateral scientific and technological cooperation.

Li Gang said that SCODA will focus on shouldering its main responsibilities, and continuously improve the quality of platform construction, resource connectivity, solutions provision etc., in a bid to solve the pain points in the economic and trade cooperation among the SCO countries. SCODA will also actively link the resources for scientific and technological cooperation between Qingdao and Hong Kong, explore the development approaches of new quality productive forces, and create an open innovation ecology, thus securing more scientific and technological achievements between Qingdao and Hong Kong.

Zhou Lin attended the event.

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