Lin Zeyan, Deputy Secretary General of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Inspected SCODA

2023-07-24 16:53:33 admin source: share:

On March 7, Lin Zeyan, Deputy Secretary General and Director of the Department of Economic Service of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce visited SCODA. Guo Jianli, Vice President of the Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Liu Qinglin, Vice Director General of the United Front Department of the CPC Qingdao Committee, and Secretary of the Leading Party Group of Qingdao Federation of Industry and Commerce, also attended the inspection.


Lin Zeyan emphasized that we should further deepen the development of the four centers of international logistics, modern trade, two-way investment, and business, tourism, and cultural exchange, and the China-SCO Institute of Economy and Trade, actively expand trade with SCO countries, increase efforts to attract and cultivate trade entities and accelerate the agglomeration of resource projects. We should leverage the platforms such as the Qingdao · SCODA Pearl International Expo Center and the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Comprehensive Service Platform, to enhance investment and trade facilitation, and accelerate efforts to "bring in" and "go global", thus creating a new hub for opening up. He said the federation will take into account the actual development of SCODA, actively leverage the advantages of the platform and resources, efficiently empower the development of SCODA, and facilitate building a new platform for Belt and Road international cooperation.

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