Solve Difficulties and Problems! SCODA Leader Inspected Projects and Companies

2021-11-30 15:50:16 admin source: share:

On the morning of October 13, Meng Qingsheng, Member of the Party Working Committee, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of SCODA led a team to visit companies and projects, solve difficult problems on-site, and facilitate the development and project construction of companies.


Meng Qingsheng and the team inspected the projects including SCO Marine Innovation Center, Hampson Medical Surgery Robots Equipment R&D Manufacturing, and Qingdao Gangqing Health Industrial Park. Meng Qingsheng exchanged ideas with the heads of those projects, learned the projects' progress, technological R&D, pandemic control and prevention and work safety, etc.

Meng Qingsheng emphasized that the related departments and divisions should focus on projects and provide sound services to solve problems for the companies, actively address the problems and difficulties encountered in the projects, continue to improve the business environment, strengthen the business environment brand of "Sincere SCO Service for Your Satisfaction", so as to support high-quality development with high-quality projects.

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