2021 Thematic Events of "Sister City Cooperation for a Shared Future"--SCODA of China-Kyushu of Japan Logistic Cooperation Matchmaking Held

2022-01-25 15:38:26 admin source: share:

On November 24, 2021 Thematic Events of "Sister City Cooperation for a Shared Future"--SCODA of China-Kyushu of Japan Logistic Cooperation Matchmaking was successfully held. This matchmaking was held both online and offline. Qingdao Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, Qingdao Municipal Transport Bureau, Kitakyushu Harbor and Airport Bureau, Hachiyo Commerce and Harbor Revitalization Department of Kumamoto Prefecture, Hakata Port Terminal Co., Ltd., International Association for the Promotion of Industry, Education and Research and several logistics enterprises from China and Japan participated, including ports, airports and block trains.



At the meeting, on the basis of mutual understanding of basic information, development advantages and investment and cooperation environment, the Chinese and Japanese sides expressed the hope of sharing resources, seeking mutual benefits and carrying out in-depth cooperation in the field of logistics. All parties said that they would build a win-win platform through this matchmaking, jointly promote the prosperity and development of logistics and industry, and provide a more effective logistics platform and development opportunities for the economic development of China and Japan.

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